I have participated in 3 One Room Challenges and I went in kicking and screaming all 3 times.  Yes....I am THAT person.

I commit and then get anxious about doing it....you know 
will I be able to finish
what if I do a crappy job
what if they hate it

blah blah blah.  
#creativity is subjective 
#budget constraints 
#time constraints

Then it's over and I am all excited thinking that wasn't so bad.  

Like the time I rollerbladed 84 miles in one day from Athens to Atlanta.  In the rain.  During....pure HELL.  

It's always the unknown that gets me going.

Today Linda, our fearless leader, is having a "where are they now" party.  You know is the room fat and bald?

I am happy to say that the first room I did has not changed.

Do you remember how I blogged about it even before I asked my client if she would be OK with my plan?

Thankfully she was a real sport:)

Any way the second ORC was my own guest room and I am proud to declare that I have not changed this room at all.  Not even a pillow.


I think it's because I don't have to look at it everyday and tear it down in my mind.

The third ORC was for my sister's family room

How the room looked 25 years ago when she moved in....

To this



And it has not been changed either!

Jump over to Calling It Home and see who has changed their rooms....

Today is paperwork day for me....I think I would rather have a root canal.  No never mind that is a total lie.  But then again drugs are involved.  Still....no.




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