What I really mean is last week.....the great clean of 2014.  It is amazing how dirty and worn a rental place can get in a year.  

I think because there are 4 bedrooms....it is perfect for 2 families so 10 people every week during the season will tromp all over that place.  

Don't even get me started on what constant sand will do to floors and rugs.

Now listen....some of you are thinking what a complainer.  At least she has a beach house.  Let me clear that up right now.  We bought at the height of the market never thinking there could be a recession.  At least not one like we just had.  So I am not even going to tell you the stinkhole that put us into.

Moving on.

I shampooed rugs and upholstery
Wiped down walls and baseboards [thank you magic eraser]
Washed all slipcovers and bedding and ironed.
Cleaned out every kitchen cabinet, organized it and replenished.  Why are there only 4 mugs left?  Why are there only 4 spoons left?
Painted a nightstand
Threw away skanky sleeping pillows.
Had the AC serviced
Had the bug man there

Went to HomeGoods, Marshalls, Walmart, Target, Bed Bath & Beyond, Lowes, Home Depot and Stienmart.

In 2 1/2 days.  Uh huh.  Thank you.

Started to leave on Friday afternoon and my husband was putting some of the drapery pins back in the holes on a traverse rod and pulled the whole dang thing down and broke part of it.

Oh good Lord.

While he was thinking we need to find the part [for a 10 year old rod...... good luck with that on a Friday afternoon] I rummaged through my tool kit and came up with a zip tie and some cork.  MacGyver baby.

Too late to leave.....open a bottle of wine.

Here are some of the changes.

This is how it looked....not really but for my pictures last year.  I could not get those stools clean.  Grungy.

So I grabbed 2 from Target and will get slipcovers made for the old ones later.  The pillows....again faded and dirty.

I ordered a new seagrass from Overstock.  Deal.  Pillows from mostly HomeGoods.  Stools from target.
I like the added color...... plus I only had 2 days to get er done.

Every year I say I am going to paint the console and every year I say screw it.

Had to stage this one a little.....because of course I did not have time to read a magazine:)

Love this tray from HomeGoods.

Can't have real flowers in a rental but thankful I found these just for some pretty.

This is pitiful....but I did it 5 minutes before we left.  I am so not creative in this department.

And this is the view Friday night after we finished.

So glad to be done for another year.  Oh yeah.....by the way we drove the new car down and had so much fun talking about it.  Goobers.

Is anyone coming in town for the Design Bloggers Conference?  I signed up for it cause it is 1/2 mile from my house.



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