Before we get to design I gotta tell you how disabled I am.  If you know me then you know that because of my genetics [meaning I was not born with the gene that lets me eat whatever I want without gaining weight] I have been working out on a regular basis since I was in my 20's.

Yes....that is a long time.  Recently over the holidays I had a nasty cold and missed working out for about 2 weeks.  I felt like a slug and in my experience it's easy to let that become a month and well you could get ugly fast.

So....on Wednesday I drug myself to Orange Theory [a new WO with a stupid name in my opinion].

You are probably scratching your head but in a nutshell it is kind of a hybrid circuit/crossfit type class.

One hour of hell.  Anyway....the point of all this is to say that we really targeted that little muscle called a tricep and people.....I can not lift my arms past my ears.  They feel like a 100 buffalo trampled them.  Oh sweet Jesus.

 As you know we use our arms a lot during the day which right now is causing my face to twist into something resembling a women in childbirth.


Enough complaining.....

My client said he needed a small narrow bench near a window so his cat could sunbath in comfort.

I also had to put a side table with a lamp there so you can see it was gonna be tight.

I started searching and stumbled across this bench at HomeGoods.

Hmmmm.....right size but just not special enough.
No problem cause I had an easy fix.

With about a yard left over from making the pillows I took it to my upholster to work some magic for me. kitty kitty....

A few nail heads to class it up and make it look more custom.

Just a little lesson in thinking outside the box.

I am back off to the mart today...visual overload....which I will share with you next week.

Have a big ole fat weekend.



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