OK....So....we got pretty smug here in Atlanta......  having hardly any days of really hot weather and then BAM.  

We are hot....so hot they are warning us on TV with an "excessive heat advisory".

After that I was afraid to go outside so I stayed home and cleaned my house yesterday.  Seriously that's what it takes sometimes to get the deed done....an act of God.

What is it about cleaning anyway.  It's something you have to stay on top of kind of like calorie intake.  If you don't watch it all hell will break loose in both categories.

I had to get the camera out and take a few pictures of a couple of pillows I am donating to charity  Of course that opened up a whole can of worms and I found myself rummaging through the pillow archives to see what I could come up with.

Thought it might be an interesting post.....of course I will let you guys be the judge of that.

So these are the 2 that are going to charity.

I added the stripe pillow and changed up the coffee table a little.

Threw in some cheetah cause....it always works huh?

And.....a little turquoise can do the trick.

Take out the orange...add brown and white chevron.  Change out the coffee table.

I'm on a roll.

Change out the throw and add a cream pillow....things are crazy town now.

2 different pillows and a little tweaking to the coffee table.  Pink carnations are still working.

In my opinion.  .99 cents at the Kroger [on sale]

Complete overhaul.  Pillows and coffee table accessories.

Change the throw....

Add some texture on the coffee table.
Back to the cream pillow with one from the guest room...

And....drum roll please.  Hands down.

My favorite combination.  I still walk in my LR and swoon when I gaze on this beauty.  Schumacher Pyne Hollyhock in charcoal.

2 years and going strong.

What y'all up to this weekend?  I am thinking of painting my guest bathroom....like I have been for months now.  Then I get busy.....doing nothing:)



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