Thanks for all of your patience waiting for me to  pick a winner for those who donated to The Furniture Bank.

I am happy to report there were 26 donations...[including furniture] and you raised 1,220.00!  Stephanie said that will go so far..... so I am extremely touched by all of your generosity.

The winner is Lynn Kaufhold [please email me Lynn].  She wins the pillows from Lacefield Designs, 100.00 from HomeGoods and 100.00 from Target.

I took a little impromptu trip to NYC this weekend to visit my niece.  She lives in Chelsea so my sister and I left on Friday and I just rolled back into Atlanta.

Most of you know I travel standby and my flight out of Atlanta on Friday was on a very small plane.  I think there were 50 seats.  As far as I'm concerned it felt like prop plane.

The minute I got on and took my seat [the last one by the way] I had to fight the urge to go screaming down the isle like my hair was on fire and get the heck off.   Hearing about that on the 11:00 news helped me stay planted....but I can tell you there was some crazy dialog going on in my head.

I know I am not alone when I say that I am an anxious traveler.  Just something about leaving my safe little life and routine that sends me into a tailspin.  When I was taking the train into the city I spent some time watching my boo on doggy webcam at Dog Days.  She is the white one standing there wondering"what did I end up homeless".

This is the front of Caitlin's Chelsea.  Such a cute area...

We went up there to do a little decorating so of course a trip to Ikea was in store.  Damn...that was a hassle.  You forget how easy it is to get in the car and bring home your haul!

 They have these real tall ledges where the windows are so my suggestion was to get a small shelf so we could utilize all of the real estate.

There is a sofa from Pottery Barn coming and a rug we found on  Hopefully the next visit will result in some pictures.

I wish I had time to go to the World Trade Center Memorial.....

Coffee was not that important to these young girls so I had to truck it down to Murray's for my fix.  

And holy smokes will somebody please open a restaurant that serves Meatballs anyway you could possibly want here in Atlanta....

Seriously y'all so damn good....

This is where we ate on our last night. 

 I mean the floors right?

The lights...

The mussels....It was like a small cafe in Paris!

Of course one of these helped with the ambiance:)

 And my sister Maggie and Caitlin!

Hope you guys had a great weekend.  Now back to the grind:)



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