Every now and again I have to put down the magazines....the computer...the thoughts of "what can I change now" and "how can I make this room better" and focus on something that really matters.

I was having dinner with my friend Stephanie the other night and she has just taken a new job at The Furniture Bank  as the Community Resource Manager.

The Furniture Bank?  What is that?  I'm glad you asked!


It was started in 1988 and their mission is to recycle used furniture from individuals and companies and give it to people moving out of homelessness, fleeing domestic violence and living with AIDS/HIV.

Helping over 3000 people a year [in metro Atlanta] The Furniture Bank is the only agency in metro Atlanta whose mission is to provide free furniture to people in need.

As you know in the past I have worked with Room Service helping to change a few lives.

Here are a few shots from The United Methodist Children's Home

How did I do this you ask?  Donations from many people including Design Indulgence readers!

And my room at The Nicholas House

Again with the help of friends, family and readers!

So....I stopped by the other day for a tour of The Furniture Bank and their operations.

When someone gets referred it usually means that they have [with help] transitioned to housing, paid a security deposit and first and last months rent. 

Here is the catch...they have nothing.  Look around your home right now.....can you imagine if it was empty and you were living there?  I mean not to be funny but Patches might be a little upset.

She owns this couch:)

When someone comes in they are in need of the basics.....a sofa, kitchen table, a couple of chairs, beds, and a kitchen kit.  Sheets and towels would be nice also.

It was Wednesday when I went and they only had one loveseat....and a few chairs.  Insert really sad face:(.

She said sometimes they set up a room to show their "customers" how it could look.

Duh...there was smoke coming out my ears to get going....you can guess?

Make it look like home baby.  I was struggling to find things....

 I think you know where I am going with this.

If you have any of those things especially a sofa or dresser they will pick it up! 

And....they have a link where you can make a donation.  Hey if I have 4000 readers and everyone donates 20.00-25.00  think about it! 

OK....here is the deal.  If you go to the link and donate where it says "this donation is in tribute of" put Design Indulgence.

They will keep track for me and I will draw a name.....cause I am putting together something good for the winner.  AND....if you donate a sofa you are eligible also so just let me know.

Promise.  You can start today and I will announce the giveaway next week.

Think about it y'all.  3.5 million folks are homeless and more than 1 million are children.

Reasons for homelessness can be job loss, divorce, mental illness, medical bills and domestic violence.

I was a victim of domestic violence in my first marriage and lucky for me I had family for support.

Thanks for listening y'all....I really appreciate it.  Share this post especially if you are local to help get the word out about this great charity.

Help me prove that DI has the best followers in blogland:)




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