I don't post much about fashion around here....mainly because I am a pretty basic gal.  Jeans or black pants.  Solid tops. 

I like to keep it simple and spend my money on pillows:)

But....I also like to experiment and when I kept reading about this online personal styling service I wanted to give it a try.

Don't get me wrong....I like to shop so that is not an issue..... but I was curious to see what someone else would pick out for me.  

Stitch Fix seemed like a fun time so I signed up.

You create a style profile and how much you want to spend.  It was 6 weeks until my box shipped out and I actually forgot about it.

To be honest I wasn't very hopeful that I would like anything.  It's not that I am picky but I have a basic style that I think works for me.  

But again....maybe I am that person that has fake ivy on top of their kitchen cabinets and I am saying "this work for me".

Here is the outcome.

First of all they got me with their color scheme.

Turquoise and white.

I opened the box to find 3 tops,  a pair of earrings and jeans, along with styling tips on how to wear.

JEANS......hahahahaha.  Like they are going to find a pair to fit me when I go to Nordstroms and try on 30 pairs walking out empty handed. 

They give you ideas on how to put outfits together.

This was one of the tops and the jeans.

Same top but other ways to wear it.

They also sent this cotton turquoise sweater.  Again showing me different ways to wear it.

This was another top in the box.

So what was the outcome?

I kept this top....in fact I really liked it and would have NEVER tried it on in a store.

And here is the miracle.
The jeans.....were awesome.  I have never heard of this brand but they fit like a glove.

High enough but not too high
Soft enough...
Skinny but not too skinny
Long enough
And still cool.......

What are the odds of that?  Freaky.

Now if you keep all 5 pieces you get a 25% discount and quite frankly I could have because I liked everything but I decided on the jeans and one top.  You have 3 days until you have to mail the leftovers back in a convenient pre paid envelope.

Would I do it again....yes.  They said that the more you do it the better your "stylist" [mine was Ariana] gets!  I can just imagine her calling her Mom to see what she thought someone 62 years old might like....ha ha right?

OK..... I just did my first fashion post.  Don't look for them on a regular basis cause I am one step away from moo moos and sensible shoes so this might be my last hurrah.


**I wasn't compensated for this review:)


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