The other day after all the madness of getting my project together for the Kitchen Tour I met my friend Lisa Mowry for lunch and then tagged along while she scouted a home for possible print!

I promised her I would only show snippets.....which is gonna be hard.....

I had heard about this cottage from my friend Jennifer Schoenberger.  She just wetted my appetite to see more.  Pam Sessions and her husband Don Donnelly of Hedgewood have been building homes since 1995.  They just recently downsized and moved to Buckhead.  

Pam filled this cottage with so much charm it was stinking crazy.

Starting with the outside color.....

Painted a dark gray with a white oak front door and that black and white tile.


After walking through the front door I knew there was trouble ahead.

I have not seen this Cole and Sons paper up but believe me when I tell you....Oh Em Gee....

I had to run to ADAC and get a sample.  Obsessed.  Can I use?  Or must I strong arm a client into using?

I can say it's going up before I die.

This dark teal/green sofa is the second thing you see!

So darn rich.....

Beautiful custom curtains.....

Then....cue the angels singing.  High gloss dark teal/green cabinets.  You can see that the ceilings are peck cypress!

I mean for realz.

The custom iron hardware.....

Could you die?  I mean I am a white cabinet gal but this was ridiculous.


I don't know the exact color but I believe in my trance like state I heard Sherwin Williams....

The family room was on the opposite side and if you look closely you can see that the walls are painted the same color!  Believe me when I say it was stunning.

This was a banquet area but you can get a look at the ceilings....

The powder bathroom....

More sweet wallpaper.....

Master bedroom goodness.  Pillow love:)

Light fixtures in MB.

This is her husbands den.  The color on the wall was so so good....not really coming through from my iPhone.

Tile porn.

Iron railing.

Some light fixtures....

One of the guest rooms....they added the brick wall for texture.

There was much more.  It will be beautiful when it's photographed by a professional. 

I have to say it has been a tough week for me.  I am missing my sweet girl so darn much......lots of tears. I know it will get better but that heartache is so deep.





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