I'm fat.

I don't think it was so much the actual dinner....but all the snacking and deserts.  It's gotta stop or even my "fat" pants won't fit:)

So while I struggle with that issue....the holidays were great with all my siblings and their kids together for the first time in probably 10 years.

Here we are....me, the bunny [Maggie], Nancy and Tom hanging out at the newly designed ORC room!  People keep telling me how blond I am now.....and I just say that I went back to my natural color instead of all that "dying it dark business".

Enough family stuff.....and on to design....

I was searching for some floral fabrics with black backgrounds the other day.  Thought I would share my finds with y'all!

Here is the first group.
Left to right:
Manuel Canovas/ Parfum d'ete
Scalamandre/ Stravagarte
Schumacher/ Chang Mai Dragon

Left to right:
Hazelton House/ Albertina
Hazelton House/ Anne Dorothea
Hazelton House/ Anne Dorothea

Left to right:
Colefax and Fowler/ Evesham
Colefax and Fowler/ Snow Tree
Waverly/ Primrose

Left to right:
Sanderson/ Floreanna
Waverly/ Primrose Patio
Nina Cambell/ Lomasi

Left to right:
Nina Cambell/ Peroquet
Aerin/ Meadowwood Onyx

For me there is just something about a floral with a black background.....especially with "surprise" white walls.....right?

Especially this one with gold accents, a little cheetah and some natural.....

Or this one...

With those fabulous dishes from Charlotte Moss! And that great pink velvet pillow from JoyWorkshoppe

I remember from last year that blog reading takes a back seat to everything else on your list during the busy holiday season....

I am about to take a peek at all of the Christmas tours that are hanging around blogland these days.....I applaud all of you crazy creative Christmas decorating fools!




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