I don't even know if I can find the words.  

To say thank you sounds so small compared to all you gave.  Beautiful comments....poems....sharing your personal experiences with losing your own pets.....

It warmed my heart and helped ease some of the pain.  I've had to push through this week to finish my project...... on one hand thankful for the distraction but yet wanting to just hole up in my bedroom to morn my loss. 

I will be forever grateful to all of you kind souls who took the time help a friend push through.....

Speaking of pushing through....the One Room Challenge is coming up.  No I am not participating this time around [sometimes things happen for a reason] but I am excited to find out who is!  

Just to review here are my 5 projects....

 # ONE
I worked on a clients space which I kinda neglected to inform her until after my first post!  Lucky for me she was a good sport and we pushed through to finish up the room.....not actually on time but hey....it took me a while to actually understand the concept:)

I finally completed my guest bedroom and I am happy to report [with the change of a few pillows]....it is still the same!  That in itself is a miracle:)

I designed the "Bunny Hutch".  My sister's family room was stuck in the 90's and we brought that baby up to date!  I was fortunate to be featured in print for that one.

My dining room got the facelift it deserved....having not really changed that much after 15 years!  Yikes....it was time.

I went back to the "Hutch"!  I was really ambitious completing her family room, dining area and a portion of her kitchen.  Talk about a challenge....holy cow!

Things I have noticed after going back to review all of these....

1.  Where is the color!  I guess I really am a neutral gal at heart!
2.   My photography certainly got better.

I am so thankful to Linda for including me and at times actually pushing me to  join.  I know I will be sad when I start checking in every Wednesday and Thursday [the linking participates] to see the progress.

I will have lots to share next week about my recent project....we have about 55 hours to finish if we don't sleep at all......

Excited to see this beauty get hung today....

If I could hug everyone of you I would.




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