Well it's certainly been a week.  Things are progressing along at #projectgetitdone.  This time next week I'm sure I will be going on adrenaline and coffee.....

Just a sidebar here but a strange thing happened to me yesterday.  I got dressed to go workout which seems simple enough right?

After doing 20 minutes on the treadmill and rower I was directed into the weight room for the next block.  Started doing pushups and felt a stinging on one of my toes.....to the point where I turned over at lightening speed and ripped off my shoe.

Staring at disbelieve it was a bee.  A bee!  WTH?  Of course it had already stung me but I am so confused because I had that shoe on for at least 30 minutes.  

What was he waiting for?

Is that not crazy?  I put that shoe back on and finished my WO.  

Tough girl.

Usually when I do curtains I pretty much stick to an iron rod with a very simple finial.  If I have a lot of windows in a room I might switch to a french rod....sometimes called a return rod.

The reason being it gives you a clean look instead of just focusing on a lot of finials.....

The other day I was sitting in Kravet waiting for some fabric samples and just happened to glance at their hardware boards.  Seriously it was like I saw it for the first time in my life.

And I am in there ALL the time.

An ah ha moment as Oprah would say.....I got up and walked over like it might disappear before my eyes.  My mind just started crackling and popping like a firecracker.  Let these beauties be in stock....please.

What.....always "in stock"?  No way.  Yes.....way.


This is the collection that caught my eye first!

The bottom right rod was perfect for the family room of my project...

Let me just say again....all in stock.  The company that I order my return rods from are usually 3-4 week lead time.....:(

They arrived and I love so hard....

Excited to see it with the curtain fabric which was backordered about 3 times....but arrived this week......whew.  

But....back to Kravet Hardware.  Here are a few other collections that caught my eye.

All in stock and very reasonably priced I might add.

Either way you look at it though putting curtains in a whole house is costly.  Especially when you add in the fabric, lining, interlining, labor and hardware.  I try to stay pretty neutral so if you redecorate [duh] you are safe.

If course I did break my own rule in my DR using my beloved Schumacher Pyne Hollyhock floral.

On the other hand it is exciting to try new things and go crazy with some fun fabrics.  

If you're  watching your budget using a scrim [sheer linen] can be a great way to go since you don't need all the lining which adds to the labor cost.  I used this treatment in my LR.

OK....gotta scoot.  Furniture being delivered today!  Exciting.  We are definitely on the countdown now.



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