To say I would rather be shopping than watching an NFL football game is an understatement.  

But I will have to admit even though I was sitting with the computer in front of me pinning away....AND after I wiped the tears from my eyes after the Budweiser puppy and horse commercial.....the last few minutes of that game did get my attention!

I bet Tom Brady is all take that "footballs with or without air" cause booyah I won anyway.

It has been a while since I posted about a great retail store in my hood.

Huff Harrington Home [ owned by Ann Huff and Meg Harrington ] is right down the street from me.

It is overflowing with furniture, art, jewelry, pillows, design could literally set up house in there!

Since it's Monday and we are all dragging from  Super Bowl madness  here is some eye candy to get you back in the mood:)

Some gorgeous art sprinkled throughout....

So many great design books for your accessorizing pleasure:)

How about some pretty monograming.....

They just got a container in from France....

Great furniture pieces....

Jewelry....Last year when my friend and designer Amanda Carrol was in town for the Design Bloggers Conference I brought her here and she threw down some jack for a little bling:)

OK....check out this "six degrees of separation"....

Huff Harrington represents Dawne Raulet who gifted me the beautiful swan in my dining room....the one "non living" thing I would grab in a fire:) 

And....all of the updates on that great project I have been working on lately....

Michael Ladisic [the builder and homeowner] is also working on Meg Harrington's home....follow her blog here about the process.

So there you have it....If you are in town make sure you stop by and say Hi to Meg and Ann.

One more thing.....if you didn't see it you must watch the video of Will Farrell, Kevin Hart, and Jimmy Fallon lip syncing from last night.  

I busted out laughing when Will did Beyonce's Drunk in Love.

Sheriky Freaky


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