I am sure that by now you want to shove this ORC down my throat.....I know....3 post devoted to the reveal.  I am here to say that after this one I am shutting it down:)

Maggie really wanted to redo her whole kitchen so I had to put it in perspective for her.  


Are you kidding me girl...."ain't nobody got time for that."  "You'll see that we will be scurrying to finish the family room and DR in 6 weeks!"

A compromise was to take a small area to start with and after the holidays we can take a look at the rest of the room.....my way of putting her off....

Here is the progress....

Cabinets emptied.....

The top cabinets are being reused in the laundry room.....that makeover will come later:)

The new cabinets from Builders Surplus installed along with the butcher block....

The brackets and shelves up.  The brackets came from Home Depot.

By using open shelves it helped to update.... along with adding some much needed light to a dark area of the kitchen.

The large oil painting was found at a flea market.  The candlesticks and small bowl next to it came from Goodwill.  The small egg picture on the second shelf was from one of our sponsors Minted.

I got the 2 black pitchers at the Restoration Hardware Outlet during a 40% off sale!  The cake stand was from HomeGoods.....she had the small green bottles.  The plant was from Ikea [my favorite sturdy plant], the wire basket from West Elm, cutting board from HomeGoods along with the black and white tray.

We just reused her pulls from the other cabinets.  I think we may end up trying to paint her other lowers the same color....although they are melamine and I am not sure they can be painted.....might need to research.

The white on all the walls that are not wallpapered is Benjamin Moore Dove White. 

Thanks again for all of your love on my ORC spaces....It makes it all worth it for sure:)

While I have your attention..... you know how important the charity The Furniture Bank of Metro Atlanta is to me.  Last Thursday I spent the day on site helping the families secure furniture.

Long story short....they come in and depending on the size of the family they get a sofa, chair, dining table, 2 chairs, a dresser or 2 and beds.  Then they get a kitchen kit which is 2 plates, 2 glasses etc....or 4 of everything.

Y'all.....these people are so humble.  They come in and get a sofa that you or I would not even sit on....then cry and hug you.  It was overwhelming.

After about 5 of those episodes.....I retired to the back room to sort out boxes of donations. 


This is only a third of what I was going through categorizing the kitchen wares.  

Local peeps.....2 things.....they need silverware.....never enough.  And lamps.  

The next thing is Georgia Gives Day on November 13 [Thursday].  I know many of you gave generously last time I asked.....and I REALLY APPRECIATED IT.....  If you want to donate to The Furniture Bank you can use the link above.....just 10.00 would help them reach their goal. 

What will you do today to make a difference? 

If I don't say it enough....you guys are the bestest ever. 




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