Just when you think everything is perfect....well not perfect cause that can not be achieved without some major lottery winnings....but you know perfect in my tiny little world....here comes a problema.  Translation: problem.

We noticed the drains on the patio and 2 other places were backing up badly....well more like a small wading pool.

Yup.  Not good.

So this was my husbands idea of a temporary solution.

Um..... no. 
Oh hell no.

The ink was not even dry on the last check I wrote them....but I get the guys back out to fix it.....yes I know after it was all "pine strawed and pretty".

Dig it all up.

And then instead of putting the flagstone back down like before.... it made sense to repeat the same treatment.  It will be easier to get to those pesky buggers next time.


 And what it looks like now.

Since there is a slope here they added these boulders for steps....my favorite part.

Now the problem is how to get a lawnmower up and over all this.

It's always something isn't it?  So I finished paying for the other landscaping bill and boom.

I have another one.

OK....I am kinda excited to finally have a little makeover to post about.

Not today but soon.....

The before.
I did this bedroom about 12 years ago.....who keeps stuff that long?  It's shocking to me.

I persuaded her it was time for a little refresh....but damn she has gotten just a little opinionated since this room was done.

And.... she went and got married so now I got 2 people trying to show me they can do my job.

Think I will go to work with them this week and take over their office.  Show them how to do do things.....just sayin.

Stay tuned....

Happy freaking Monday.



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