I have spent about 15 solid hours getting ready for this Designer Tag Sale.  Pulling stuff from the attic, basement, under beds and every other hiding place.  We are talking 20 years of Scott's.....flea markets and redecorating.  

I am so over it and vow from this day forward to stop this madness.  I mean it.  I am counting on y'all to hold me to this.

I have more of the same in my basement.

What seems to be at the top of the hoarding list is of course fabric and then art.  Some fabrics I could not part with.....what is wrong with me?

I am hoping that on Monday when we break down there is nothing left and I can finish paying for my landscaping..... hey a girl can dream:)

In other news....I am in love with this Designers Guild Wallpaper....

I wanted to ask a few of you who said that they are not receiving my post any more if maybe they are now?  We are trying to fix this problem which others seem to be having.....I know because there are some I am not receiving either!

And to top off this post today head over to Little Black Door .  Elizabeth was one of my ORC partners and she is talented and funny.  She invited me to participate in her "fess up friday" so I am spilling my guts.



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