Have you guys seen the cover of AH&L this month?  As somebody who adores white interiors it was the MOTHERLOAD!

It features a beautiful home in Rosemary Beach designed by Melanie Turner.  It's a stunner y'all. 

I have always loved this gorgeous wallpaper from Schumacher.

Oh Melanie.....you got some talent girl.

Next up is Dawne Raulet Hall who is a stockbroker turned artist.

She took a 1930's fishing cottage in Lake Burton and turned it into just plain WOW.

Starting with gallons of white paint to lighten up the wood paneling it was transformed into a place I could call home:)

Love the mix of Ikea chairs with "found objects".

I had to find out more about Dawn and her art and I was not disappointed.

When I saw this one I slapped my head in an ah ha moment remembering designer Monique Gibson's work.

Remember this?

And I created this design board.....

So now I know who my new "art crush" is!

Full circle.

I am in love with her paintings.

In fact one of these would be the perfect piece in my ORC.  Dang I wish she was my neighbor and we shared casseroles and wine together.

Dawne.....you would like me.....I would make you laugh while you painted and and we could be besties.

In Atlanta you can find Dawne's work at Huff Harrington Home

I feel a serious obsession coming on.  Maybe even some stalking.

I hate when I get like this....kind of reminds me of when I was little and my shoelaces had to be tied in perfect bows that were exactly even on both sides.

No exceptions.

Are you guys ready for Wednesday?  
The start of the ORC.

I have got to get my butt in gear because there is some serious talent on this list and I am sure they are way ahead of me with the process.

It is going to be a 10 on the Wizometer today!



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